Machine learning - at the core of everything we do.
NLU and conversational AI models that power Rivi's chat
Intent Classification
Understands the user's motive behind each message sent
Contextual Conversations
Predicts the best action to take after every user message
Named Entity Recognition
Classifies key information units into pre-defined categories
Natural Language Generation
Sends personalized responses from Rivi to each user
Entity Understanding
Interprets the meaning of entity values conveyed by the user
Recommendation systems for every aspect of travel
Hotels and Vacation Rentals
Things to do, food and nightlife
Automatic Itinerary
Destination, dates and more
Flight price prediction
Rivi predicts the flight prices for any given route based on historical data
From the reviews, I read
Rivi reads and analyzes the reviews of a Place and shares all the meaningful info
Rivi Automated Learning
Rivi automatically learns by itself in real-time based on feedback
A tech first company
3 Internal Web Apps, 20+ Machine Learning models and 100s of other backend APIs power Rivi's mobile application.
Our Tech Stack includes:
- Programming languages: Elixir, Python, Javascript (MERN), Rust, Kotlin and Swift
- ML Frameworks: Pytorch and Tensorflow
- Databases: PostgreSQL, Redis and MongoDB
- Infrastructure platforms/tools: GCP, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Drone CI, Prometheus, Grafana and Vercel
- Utilities: Slack, Gitlab, Jira, Zoom, GSuite, Figma, LogDNA, Sentry, Firebase, AWS Cognito, Phoenix, FastAPI, Celery, Postman, Clevertap, Storyblok and Avocode

Data curated carefully for every niche in travel
There is no better way to shatter boundaries than with travel. But to make travel plans magical, the burden of researching is not one that's easy to bear.
We dive deep into the ocean of data to make every experience the ultimate one for our users. Our destination experts are ‘practical dreamers’ who ensure that every piece of information is handpicked with great care for the most perfect travel experiences.

Values that define who we are
People make or break any company. We are no different. We put in equal parts {love} and {logic} to make {Rivi} come to life.
Here’s the essence of what’s woven into the culture at Rivi.
- Cognitive diversity
- Sense of ownership
- Free-flowing communication
- Embracing collaboration
- Intuitions driven by data

We :heart: travel that's modern and sustainable
"In a world where you can be anything, be kind."
To us, travelling sustainably is not a niche or a trend, it is the only real way to travel. Whether you are looking to volunteer at an animal sanctuary or just chill at the beach, we would like to make every trip of yours much more worthwhile - for the planet, for the local communities, and of course, for the travellers.